Hurricane Prepared List 2023-2024

Step 1 Hold a family meeting and get your children involved

Step 2 Determine whether you live in an evacuation zone and where you
will go when an evacuation order is given. Staying with family and friends
outside the evacuation zone is your best option

Step 3 Inventory your home possessions and video/photograph items of value.
Review all your insurance policies, including your vehicle policy

Step 4 Look for vulnerabilities such as your roof, windows, garage door, landscaping,
tree branches near electric lines, etc., and determine what actions to take

Step 5 Decide where you will store or park your vehicle, boat, or RV

Step 6 Protect your home by trimming trees at the proper time, installing shutters, and/or
purchasing a generator

Step 7 Make arrangements in advance for people with special needs

Step 8 Develop a plan for your pets

Step 9 Determine your family’s food, water and medical needs. Use our Eight-Week
Shopping Guide to help with spreading out the cost

Step 10 Notify others of your plan and establish an out-of-town contact. Let family or
friends know your hurricane plan so they can check on you in the aftermath of
the storm


 At least one gallon of drinking water per person, per day for three to five days. Extra water is
needed for food preparation, pets, and personal hygiene

 Enough food for three to five days, including non-perishable packaged or canned food, canned
or shelf milk, cereal, snack foods, a three to five day supply of special items for babies and/or the
elderly: formula, wipes, diapers, special foods, and toiletries

 Manual can/bottle opener

 Toilet paper, plates, bowls, napkins, paper towels, and plastic eating utensils

 Unscented household bleach and medicine dropper

 Extra bedding such as blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, etc., in case you must evacuate

 Clothing, including rain gear and sturdy shoes

 First aid kit, medicines/prescription drugs

 Hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes

 Flashlight, extra batteries, car charger, or solar charger for your cell phone

 Battery-operated or hand-crank radio and hardline telephone with jack (not cordless)

 Books, games, and toys

 Pet food, cat litter, and other pet care items

 Tool kit including cord, rope, hammer, wood nails, saw, hatchet or ax, crowbar, chainsaw blades,
tarp, duct tape, and heavy-duty work gloves, and outdoor extension cords

 Plastic trash bags and ties, extra re-sealable plastic storage bags, heavy-duty aluminum foil, and
disposable aluminum pans

 Extra charcoal or propane fuel and matches in a waterproof container for outdoor cooking.
Sterno can also be used. Never cook with any of these items inside your house. The smoke and fumes are deadly

 Fire extinguisher (ABC type)

 Mosquito repellent with DEET, and sunscreen

 Home Damage Assessment photos and instructions. Visit

 Any other special equipment or items you may need

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